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Routing Number: 081206328

FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.

Crop Insurance

As a community bank, we offer financial services to our customers that go beyond just loans and deposits. We also offer highly specialized crop protection products. Our commitment is to provide these risk management tools to you in a prompt and professional manner.

Contact us today at:

Newton: (618) 783-2321 and ask for Kevin Shan; Karen Pitcher; Aaron Ochs; Dustine Smithenry
Sumner: (618) 936-2396 and ask for Eric Seitzinger

Helpful Hints to Insure your Claim is Approved Timely Notice of Loss


  • Notify your Agent prior to tearing up existing stand and replanting.
  • Qualifying acres are the lesser of 20 acres or 20% of the unit.

Prevented Planting:

  • Final Plant date for corn is June 5th.
  • Final Plant date for soybeans is June 15/20.
  • Late plant period is 25 days.
  • Earliest date to turn in PP loss for corn is June 6th.
  • Earliest date to turn in PP loss for soybeans is June 16/21.
  • Latest date to turn in PP loss for corn is July 3rd (72 hours after the late plant period).
  • Latest date to turn in PP loss for soybeans is July 13/18 (72 hours after the LPP).
  • Qualifying acres are the lesser of 20 acres or 20% of the unit.

Harvest Losses:

  • Production Claims - (Earliest of) 15 days after harvest of the unit or December 10th +15 days
  • Revenue Claims - 45 days after Price Announcement
  • CRC Corn and Soybeans and RA Soybeans - by December 16th
  • RA Corn - by January 15th

Harvest Loss Verification:

  • AIP must verify acres and share.
  • Acres reported for insurance should match FSA or approved mapping system.
  • Share reported for insurance should match FSA, must match how grain is sold.
  • Very important to keep good load records for loss and non loss units.
  • Sold and/or measured production may be apportioned by Combine Monitor, non portable scale and/or weigh wagon print outs.
  • Fed production may either have storage measured or keep feeding records.
Load records and production verification for APH purposes need to be kept for 3 years.

Peoples Insurance Services products are *Not a deposit *Not insured by the FDIC or the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund *Not guaranteed by the financial institution or an affiliated insured depository institution *Where appropriate, involves investment risk, including potential loss of principal. A quote does not represent binding of coverage.