Jennifer Hinterscher
| Nov 22, 2022
Peoples State Bank is accepting applications for the CBAI Foundation for Community Banking Scholarship

Newton (November 22, 2022) – Peoples State Bank announces a scholarship competition that enables Illinois high school seniors to enter a statewide essay-writing contest. It is all part of a program sponsored by Illinois community
banks and the CBAI Foundation for Community Banking to increase public awareness of locally owned banks and their contributions to the community.
Peoples State Bank is a member of the Community Bankers Association of Illinois (CBAI), which formed the Foundation in 1996. A monetary award of $1,000 a year for up to four years of higher education will be awarded to the author of the best essay submitted
to the CBAI Foundation by a participating Illinois high school senior. Up to 11 additional first-place $1,000 awards and 12 second- place $500 awards are available in each of the regions of the state. An additional $500 will be awarded to the high
school of the overall winner.
The bank is working with high schools in our six communities to invite seniors to submit a one-page essay on the theme How are fintechs impacting the banking industry?
Length of the essay is not to exceed one-page on the theme; double-spaced, using Times New Roman font, and 10-12-point size. Information on the contest is available at Peoples State Bank; essays must be submitted to the bank by Friday, Feb. 3, 2023. Peoples
State Bank will then submit selected essays to the CBAI Foundation to be eligible for the statewide competition. Based in Springfield, CBAI is a professional association that represents approximately 300 Illinois-chartered banks and thrifts throughout
Click here to access and print the application.