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Agriculture Council of America Announces 2022 National Ag Day Date & Theme

by Jennifer Hinterscher | Mar 18, 2022

Overland Park, KS – The Agriculture Council of America (ACA) will host National Agriculture Day on March 22, 2022. This will mark the 49th anniversary of National Ag Day, which is celebrated in classrooms and communities across the country. The theme for National Ag Day 2022 is Growing a Climate for Tomorrow.

The Peoples State Bank supports the ag industry on a local scale by participating in 4H Auctions, County Fairs, sponsoring the Illinois High School and Junior High Rodeos, and more. Area farmers also turn to Peoples State Bank to provide the financial tools necessary to achieve success each year.

On March 22, 2022, the ACA will host a virtual Ag Day event and events in Washington, DC. Additionally, the ACA will bring approximately 100 college students to Washington virtually to deliver the message of Ag Day to the Hill. A core leadership team of college students will attend events in DC.

Another exciting feature of Ag Day 2022 is the Celebration of Modern Agriculture on the Washington Mall, March 21-22. These events honor National Agriculture Day and mark a nationwide effort to tell the true story of American agriculture and remind citizens that agriculture is a part of all of us.

The National Ag Day program encourages every American to:

  • Understand how food and fiber products are produced
  • Appreciate the role agriculture plays in providing safe, abundant and affordable products
  • Value the essential role of agriculture in maintaining a strong economy
  • Acknowledge and consider career opportunities in the agriculture, food and fiber industry