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Annual CBAI Foundation Scholarship accepting applicants

by Jennifer Hinterscher | Nov 17, 2021


The Peoples State Bank once again participates in the Community Bankers Association of Illinois Foundation Scholarship. Community Bankers Association of Illinois (CBAI) provides one winner with a monetary award in the amount of $1,000 a year for up to four years of higher education. An additional 11 first-place $1,000 awards and 12 second-place $500 awards are available in each of the state’s 12 regions. The high school of the overall winner also receives a $500 award.


Peoples State Bank is working with high schools in each of our communities to invite seniors to submit a one-page essay on the theme: How has the response of community banks differed from that of the megabanks during the global pandemic?


The past two years have been unlike anything most of us have ever seen. I’m proud of the efforts we have made as a community bank and look forward to learning how that impact was felt among our communities, said Stacy Moore, Peoples State Bank President.


The contest is part of a program sponsored by Illinois community banks and the CBAI Foundation for Community Banking, and is designed to increase public awareness of locally owned banks and their contributions to the community.


Information on the scholarship contest and entry forms are available at all Peoples State Bank locations in Jasper, Lawrence, Marion, Fayette and Bond counties. Entries must be submitted to the bank no later than Friday, Feb. 11, 2022. Peoples State Bank will then select the top three entries to submit to CBAI Foundation for the statewide prizes.


Based in Springfield, Ill., CBAI represents approximately 350 Illinois-chartered banks and thrifts throughout the state. It formed the CBAI Foundation in 1996 and has been providing this scholarship program for 36 years.