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Unemployment Fraud: Protect Yourself

by Jennifer Hinterscher | Dec 23, 2020
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As fraud prevention and detection techniques evolve to stay on the forefront of security, thieves and hackers devise new ways to defraud the public. The latest is an attack through the Department of Employment Security. 

Victims of Unemployment Fraud will typically receive an unemployment insurance letter  (UI finding) by mail or even receive a debit card for unemployment benefits, even though they have never filed a claim. You may also be notified by your employer if the unemployment office contacts your most recent place of work.

While this is definitely a form of identity theft, it does not involve your bank accounts, credit cards, etc. So how do you combat this threat? According to the Illinois Department of Employment Security, there are ways to repair the damage, as well as steps you can take to avoid becoming a victim.

IDES Unemployment Fraud Link

Federal Trade Commission ID Theft Link